Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sup With the Proxy Servers?

When you are accessing or visiting a website or a service that is hosted on an external network like the World Wide Web or an internal one which is local then your computer or terminal will be communicating directly with that server on which the service or webpage is hosted.

Because a proxy performs the function of an intermediary between the two ends it is an extremely important network component.

With the help of a proxy server it is possible to ensure that one’s computer is not in direct communication with the server that is hosting the website that is to be accessed. All communications would instead reach the server through another computer which acts as the proxy. This server in turn would communicate with the host server and relay all the information requested or required back to the person who has asked for it.

Many people hesitate to use the proxy server as the process seems to be slower. But using such a server is highly beneficial although the concept has acquired a bad image due to its facilitating illegal activities. At first proxy servers were so designed so as to hide the identity of the computers belonging to an internal network.

Not only does it protect the computer from prying eyes but also helps to increase the speed of certain web resources and network by means of caching. Caching is imperative because it serves as a content filter and scans inbound as well as outbound data for potential leaks and viruses. Over the past few years there has been a tremendous increase in the number of people using proxy servers because people are becoming more and more net-savvy.

In schools and work places proxy servers have become inevitable. It helps in prohibiting individuals from accessing questionable and forbidden websites, watching impermissible videos, engaging in unproductive work while at work like going to social networking sites, connecting with friends through chat, playing online games and many others. Hence using proxy servers in the professional areas has proved to be extremely beneficial.

If an individual wishes to mask his own identity in the internet, proxy server can help. This can be ensured by masking the IP (Internet Protocol) address of their computers. Further if required an individual has the option of creating innumerable identities or proxies and communicate through them.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Should Children Have Computers?

Though for grown-ups computer has turned out to be an essential electronic item, it is still a debate as to whether kids too should have access to computers. In fact we still question ourselves innumerable times as parents if it is feasible to buy this wonder machine for the children of the house who consider it is as nothing short of fascinating.

Nowadays, every household has at least one computer and some have as many as three or four to cater to every member of the family. Hence, unlike the baby boomer and eco boomer generations, for contemporary kids, a computer is definitely not a novelty but an integral part of the household. Using a computer comes as naturally to today’s child as gulping down his feed or exploring the various nooks and corners of the house.

Computer, no doubt, is an interesting gadget when compared with toys, friends and other modes of entertainment that the child has access to and with age this use can only increase. It is also at this stage that this device needs to be used always under parental control and guidance so that it never turns out as an addiction or creates a negative impact on the child.

In order to ensure that the computer remains a friend to your child, it is mandatory to set limits on the duration of usage. This can vary as per the age of the child and more importantly must not interfere with his daily gross motor activities. Monitoring the amount of time spent at the computer will also preserve the visual and physical health of the child and prevent onset of fatigue, distraction and anxiety.

If you want your children to become efficient professionals in the future you should ensure that they are proficient in using computers. At the same time, as a parent you have the power to decide whether you want your child to benefit from computers or to suffer because of it and this is all about the guidance which you provide to your children.